We Change the Rules of the Game with Digital Design and Experience.
Hizmetlerimizi keşfedinDigital Marketing and digital advertising is a trend that has become quite widespread and on the rise in the world and in our country in recent years.
As MEA Innovation, we uniquely increase the brand values of your companies and brands in digital media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google and Youtube and help your customers adopt them quickly.
Digital marketing is a term that covers product marketing in digital environments and is too broad to be explained in a short introduction. With the power of the internet and the revolution of mobile, the change in the understanding of trade and marketing has given birth to digital marketing. Digital marketing channels include the internet, search engines, social media, mobile applications and much more. In short; utilizing every area accessible via internet connection for advertising and sales strategies is digital marketing itself. According to many authorities, the birth of digital marketing dates back to 1971 when the first e-mail was sent. Any area where two people or organizations can communicate is suitable for marketing. The term "digital marketing" first appeared in 1990, while the first clickable banner ad was published in 1994. And thus the foundations of digital marketing were laid. Just because it's been decades doesn't mean it's too late. You can make a difference with the digital marketing strategies you will apply today.
Of course, it is important to know what digital marketing is. But the most important thing for e-commerce entrepreneurs is to know what it does. Digital marketing is a set of strategies that work to reach more potential customers, a more accurate audience, faster and more effectively. In digital marketing, advertising performances can be measured with clear values, a specific audience can be addressed directly and mutual communication with the potential customer can be established. performance marketing you can take your actions more clearly.
According to TurkStat research
In 2020, the internet usage rate of individuals between the ages of 16 and 74 will reach 79% and access to the internet from home will reach 90.7%, which gives us a very clear idea of what digital marketing can do. Looking at statistics is always part of the logic of digital marketing. In fact, the best trick of digital marketing is that its results are measurable. Seeing that the rate of access to the internet with mobile broadband connection has reached 86.9% is another numerical data that increases the importance of digital marketing.
What does digital marketing include?
1. Search engine advertising
2. PPC
3. Search engine optimization
4. Mail marketing
5. Social Media Marketing
6. Website
7. Content marketing
There are no limits to marketing methods. Even you can create a strategy that hasn't been used much before. But in the end, each strategy is different from the other. Therefore, the effects and returns are likely to be different. That's why every day we come across a new marketing method. In fact, the vast majority of these new strategies are derivatives of existing digital marketing techniques. This divides marketing techniques into two main groups: traditional and digital. So, what are the differences between these terms?
The main tools of traditional marketing are television and newspapers. It is also a known fact that print media and professional commercials require a large budget. In digital, on the other hand, you don't have to pay for most of the marketing processes, and you don't need a very large budget for the payments you will make. On social media, for example, you only pay for advertising. Instead of a big team of actors, screenwriters, directors, copywriters, etc., there is only one person: Influencer.
With traditional marketing methods, your advertisements are shown to consumers in certain time frames and your potential customers may not see your advertisements in those time frames. Since it is difficult to ensure continuity, the increase in brand awareness is also slow. This is not the case with digital. With digital marketing, your ads are live 24/7. A viral ad can quickly increase brand awareness.
With traditional marketing, which allows for one-way advertising, you cannot measure the reaction of your potential customers. Because with this method, you don't know how the customer reacts when they see or hear the ad. Digital marketing, especially in the social media arm, has communication options such as commenting and messaging. Those who see the ads can express their opinions and quickly resolve their question marks and turn into real customers.
The measurability of digital ads is an important advantage. While it is not possible to clearly know how many views traditional ads get, the number of views and clicks on digital ads can be clearly seen. In addition, if there is a product sale, you can even measure how many people clicked on the ad and bought that product.
You need the luck factor more in traditional marketing. Because when your ads are shown, sometimes it is not your potential customers who see them. In digital marketing, on the other hand, you have the chance to set who your ads are shown to. So you can directly reach people who are interested in your products and services. This list can be extended and new differences can emerge as the list is extended. The free world of digital marketing opens a new door every day, which means closing a door in traditional marketing. So as the examples of innovative digital marketing multiply, a new item could be added to this list as early as tomorrow.